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Horseshoe Island


© Antarctic Heritage Trust

In 2016 Programme Manager Al Fastier was part of a UKAHT four-person team which spent a month on-site at Base Y, Marguerite Bay, Horseshoe Island, undertaking emergency repair work to the building and scheduling building and artefact work for future years.

The scientific base (1955-1960), now under UKAHT’s care, once conducted geology, meteorology and topographic survey research.

Learn more about Horseshoe Island at UKAHT’s website.

Sophie Rowe/UK Antarctic Heritage Trust

Tutti Frutti

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My experience of the Antarctic Expedition ships we travelled on, is that they go to great lengths to keep their guests happy and healthy. The hospitality on board from the crew is often exceptional, and I was struck by the enjoyment and creativity they brought to their work.
Sea ice blocking the way to Port LockroyAntarctic Heritage Trust

Logistics and Delays

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Sometimes getting to Antarctica is as simple as getting on a plane in New Zealand and stepping off 5 hours later into sub zero temperatures. This year’s work expedition to Port Lockroy, (the British base on the Antarctic Peninsula managed by the United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust) was a whole other story.
Base A at Port LockroyUKAHTUKAHT

An Update from Port Lockroy

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Trust Programme Manager Al Fastier joined the UKAHT Port Lockroy Conservation Team under the Trust’s partnership to share its conservation knowledge and expertise developed during the Ross Sea Heritage Restoration Project.