The Power of Nature
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25 March 2020
Laurette and Mike reflect on our first and last adventures on and around mainland Antarctica.
“On Thursday 12 March, we had our first landing on mainland Antarctica. Whilst we had spent the last couple of days in the South Shetland Islands in the Antarctic Region, it wasn’t until I actually stepped on the mainland that it truly felt like I’d made it. It was surreal. As I scanned my surroundings, I saw mountains covered with glistening snow and ice, playful Gentoo penguins, and there was even a Minke whale breaching the surface between icebergs not far from shore. I’ll never forget the feeling of absolute privilege and awe that I had in that moment.” – Laurette

Whale as seen from the team’s kayaks in the 2019 expedition.
“For me, the most memorable experience out on the water was at Portal Point, just because of the sheer enormity of the environment we were in. Kayaking around, the entire team was dwarfed by so many icebergs. It was almost scary just to see the power of nature on display. The low cloud made it a really mysterious environment, with a bit of snow. Somewhat warmer temperatures meant that the icebergs started breaking apart. I was overloaded with the power of the ice, and how insignificant we were.” – Mike

Olympic kayaker Mike Dawson in the Antarctic Peninsula
Written by Inspiring Explorer™ Ihlara McIndoe